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Out today – Halfheroes

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

The second book of my Halfhero trilogy is published on Amazon today – you can pick it up here:

Every book I’ve written in the last two and a half years (this is my sixth) has felt different to write. The World Walker was partly an exercise in can I do this, can I actually write a full-length novel? Its sequels took on lives of their own, all of them surprising me with the directions the characters insisted in taking the stories (well aware I’m starting to sound borderline unstable now, but, hey, if there is such a thing as being on the spectrum, who the hell would want to be in the middle?)

Children Of The Deterrent was a bit more nail-biting. New ideas, new characters, new story. I even went out on a limb and wrote in first person, with Daniel and Cressida telling the story from two time periods. In retrospect, what the hell was I thinking? Anyway, it worked (and I love the Audible version – great job. Children Of The Deterrent audiobook ).

The new book – Halfheroes – is a return to third person because there was no way I could tell the story in first person. It continues the story begun in book one…I was about to give some hints, but I’d rather not. Put it this way: there are some major developments regarding a certain non-human species, a few massive fights and one pair of shaved testicles. Which might be an average Saturday night out for some of you.

I just want to take a moment to thank my fellow writer and top bloke, RR Haywood (check out his fantastic books here: RR Haywood books). Rich very kindly agreed to read the first draft, and came back with some fantastic comments. His insight was so useful that I wrote a completely new opening section, which was a massive improvement. He showed me the point at which the story really took off, and as soon as he did, I knew he was right. It’s a much better book because of his input. Thank you, Mr Haywood. If you ever stop writing brilliant books, a career as an editor awaits.

Another quick thank you to my proof readers/line editors Mrs S and Phil Owens of  Cyber Write .

Hope you enjoy Halfheroes, and if you do, please leave a review on Amazon. Reviews are the way independent authors manage to compete with big publishing houses – it makes us visible on Amazon.

In other news, I’ve just submitted the paperback version for review, so shouldn’t be too long, and Audible will be recording soon. I’ll keep you posted.

And, for those of you who’ve read this far, I have a question. It’s crossed my mind that Children of The Deterrent might not have been the best title. As it stands (and this is a sneak preview), the Halfhero trilogy will be Children of The Deterrent, Halfheroes, and The Last of the First.

Would it better just to name them Halfhero 1, 2, and 3?

Please comment below with your thoughts. Thanks, as always, for reading, and for spreading the word about my writing. I have a notebook full of ideas for new books, a plentiful supply of freshly ground coffee, and I’m doing what I love as a way of earning a living. That’s all down to you. So, seriously, thanks!

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